Monday, October 22, 2012

The Liar Society: Lies That Bind by Lisa & Laura Roecker

Book Nerd Vlog Tour

Lisa and Laura Roecker are sisters-turned-writing-partners with a passion for good books, pop culture and Bravo programming. Not necessarily in that order. Lisa has always been a phenomenal liar and Laura loves to write angsty poetry, so writing for young adults seemed like a natural fit. The sisters live in Cleveland, Ohio in separate residences. Their husbands wouldn't agree to a duplex. To learn more about The Liar Society series check out

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“A book for mystery lovers everywhere…will suck you in and leave you hanging until the very end.”—RT Book Reviews

Kate’s heard of messages from beyond the grave, but she never expects to find one in her fortune cookie. Especially from her best friend, Grace—who’s supposed to be dead.

At the elite Pemberly Brown Academy, nothing is as it seems. A classmate has gone missing, and Kate soon realizes that the disappearance is tied to the secret societies that rule her private school. Her best friend died for their secrets, and there’s no way she’ll let them get away with it twice. It’s up to quirky outsider Kate to get some answers, but in a school where every answer leads to more questions and nothing’s as it seems, who can she trust?

This exciting sequel in The Liar Society series is filled with suspense, danger, and mystery as Kate stops at nothing to prevent the secret society at her school from getting away with murder again.

LISA and LAURA ROECKER are sisters-turned-writing-partners with a passion for good books, pop culture and Bravo programming. Not necessarily in that order. Lisa has always been a phenomenal liar and Laura loves to write angsty poetry, so writing for young adults seemed like a natural fit. The sisters live in Cleveland, Ohio in separate residences. Their husbands wouldn’t agree to a duplex. To learn more about The Liar Society series check out

You can purchase The Liar Society: Lies That Bind at the following Retailers:

And now, The Giveaways.
Thank you Sourcebooks for making this giveaway possible.
1 Winner will receive a exclusive gift pack, filled with Liar Society favorites including copies of the books, Twizzlers, bracelets, and of course blue hair extensions.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My parents 25th Anniversary! *___* It was really beautiful.

  2. It was my 26th, friends, my future was a wonderful day to celebrate!

  3. My 16th birth party

  4. It was my 10th birthday. I broke my arm in the middle playing a game :( but in a few days it will be my 21st! So Im thinking my 21st will be my best! :D

  5. Mine was my 22nd because I had my son just a few days before it.

  6. A halloween party from a few years back. It was so much fun! :]

  7. I watched the video until you started talking about clothes.

  8. Crap. My previous comment was totally off topic. I'm not admitting to the details of my most memorable party on the internet, but I am the two-thousand-five-hundred and first follower here, and that's got to count for something!

  9. still haven't had one that was that good :(

  10. It was my 17th birthday party. I don't know why but this was the best party ever; my whole friends were there and so my family.

  11. My 15th birthday! because I went traveling

  12. My first frat party- it was awful! D:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. My 21st birthday party finally got to party with my crazy family! :)

  14. All my childhood parties were awesome, I don't know which one pick

  15. Mine is this past August when I was visiting my family in Oregon. We had a family BBQ and it was so nice to spend time with everyone. Its my most memorable because it will probably be my last birthday party I will spend with my dad. So that really meant a lot for me.

  16. All my childhood's birthday parties was very memorable!
    Thank you for the giveaway!
    Demitra Giote

  17. My most memorable party was the toga party my friends and I threw for our friend's birthday. It was an epic night of drunken shenanigans, something 21 year olds seem always capable of ; )

  18. A friend of a friends Halloween party last year won't be forgotten :)

  19. My last birthday. It was awesome! I was with all my best friend and we have a lot of fun. I love them :)

    Blue hair extensions? That's great! I'm going to make purple extensions :P

  20. My 19th birthday was my most memorable birthday :)

    Love the blue extensions! How cool is that?!

    Thanks for another awesome giveaway!

  21. My birthday parties from childhood to 15 year

  22. My 10th birthday part where I had a pinata

  23. Does my elementary school graduation count?
    High School Student Problems: Too old to have fun parties, too young to host own party. :P

  24. My cousins wedding last year. Finally got to see my cousin dance lol

  25. It was my 18th birthday party. I went out with friends and it was really great because every my friend were there!

  26. My daughter's 1st birthday party. She is the only girl among her father's children. His family was ecstatic and so excited that they went all out for her first birthday!!

  27. My 14th birthday. I had the party with a bunch of my friends. We were all born in April, so we had the party together. It was AWESOME!

  28. Maybe my granparents wedding anniversary party when I was younger. And wow! Would I like some blue hair extensions! Way cool!

  29. My birthdays! My twin and I share a birthday on New Year's Eve, so it's kind of hard not to party like crazy that day. ;)

  30. I don't like parties.. but I still remember my prom!! :)

  31. Our prom party! it was soo funny!

  32. My most memorable party was a the huge Twilight party I had. It was so awesome :)

  33. My 18th birthday

  34. The Christmas parties at my uncle's house were always awesome!

  35. My first one in middle school. It was a high school party, and I remember thinking it would be just like those high school parties in the was nothing like that. Still something I will never forget though! xD

  36. My mothers 36th surprised birthday party with a stripper! She had NEVER had a party ever in her life and I took it in my hand to throw her one along with a stripper. It was a bitter sweet memory because she was going through cemo and radiation at the time, she has now passed away, so that is one I will keep forever. We had so much fun and her face was priceless!
