Photo Content from Doug Dillon

Age Range: 12 - 17 years
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Series: The St. Augustine Trilogy
Paperback: 292 pages
Publisher: Old St. Augustine Publications (July 18, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0983368414
ISBN-13: 978-0983368410
As Jeff Golden crosses paths with the spiritual, he ends up forced to ask questions about the nature of the world, endanger his sanity, and find that he may be responsible for something bigger than him. Sliding Beneath the Surface is an excellent pick with much to consider, highly recommended. ―The Midwest Book Review
● A fascination with, and experience in, the paranormal. That interest led to a nonfiction book my wife and I wrote a number of years ago titled, An Explosion of Being: An American Family’s Journey into the Psychic.
● A dedication to young people and those young at heart who struggle to understand the world around them and their part in it.
● A love for America’s oldest and most haunted city, St. Augustine, Florida.
● A love of history, especially the past as it relates to Florida and St. Augustine.
As exemplified in the trilogy’s premise, I believe that we all “create our own reality whether in this world or the next.” This motivates me in my life as well as in my writing in general.
Specifically, in relation to Book I, Sliding Beneath the Surface, I was inspired by the story of the Second Seminole War in Florida and how it not only impacted the United States and Florida, but more specifically, how it so deeply affected Florida’s Native American, Black Seminole and slave population of the time.
Inspiring Authors and Writers:
I think all I can do here is to give you a sampling of those writers who, to me,
exemplify excellence in fiction, nonfiction, speculative fiction, historical fiction, young adult fiction, spirituality, psychology, the paranormal world and quantum physics:
James Michener, Diana Gabaldon, Isaac Asimov, Arthur Clark, Jane Roberts,
Eckert Tolle, The Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, J.D. Salinger, Louis Sachar, Phillip Pullman, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Carl Jung.
Despite this guidance, things get even worse. Jeff’s spine tingling encounters increase in number and intensity at an alarming rate, scaring him even more. Eventually, he makes the startling discovery that unresolved circumstances involving a bloody event directly out of Florida’s distant past threatens his sanity and possibly his life.
Finally, overwhelmed by forces he cannot understand or control, Jeff’s world shifts from frightening to downright terrifying. In desperation, and on Lobo’s advice, he leaps headlong into the unknown in order to save himself. What Jeff discovers though is that he has entered a level of reality he is completely unprepared to handle while unwittingly dragging Carla with him.
Like all the books in THE ST. AUGUSTINE TRILOGY, the premise for Sliding Beneath the Surface is simply this: You create your own reality.
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