Book Nerd Interview
She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.
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Yes. It was when I was in high school. I was a shy, awkward person and I didn’t like to draw attention to myself. One day in Creative Writing, we were reading our work to the class. I really liked what I’d written and thought it was funny, but I’d been dreading having to read it aloud. As I read, the class laughed. In all the right places. They were getting what I’d written. By the time I was finished, I knew this was something I could be good at.
Why is storytelling so important for all of us?
Such a good question. I think there are several reasons. Storytelling helps keep our history alive and helps us understand how we fit into things. It allows us to experience things we wouldn’t otherwise get to. It teaches us important lessons. It provides entertainment and an escape when we need it.
Beyond your own work (of course), what is your all-time favorite book and why? And what is your favorite book outside of your genre?
Can I narrow it down to three by one author? Yes? Thank you. I love the work of Bess Streeter Aldrich, but my favorites by her are A Lantern in Her Hand, A White Bird Flying and Spring Came On Forever. Even the names are lyrical and beautiful and the stories. Oh, I love them.
My favorite work outside my genre is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Changed the way I look at people.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received from another author?
To start working on your next manuscript as soon as your current one is out of your hands.
In your book; My Own Mr. Darcy, can you tell my Book Nerd community a little about it?
Lizzie has been obsessed with Mr. Darcy for years and has decided she’s not going to “settle” for anything less than her own Mr. Darcy. Her friend is worried about her and coerces her into dating the next guy ten times before dumping him because he’s not “Darcy” enough. And then she meets a man who is everything she thinks she wants. But is he? Or would ending up with him be settling? Aren’t you dying to find out?
For those who are unfamiliar with Elizabeth, how would you introduce her?
She’s focused and stubborn but she’s also kind and good and filled with hope. She’s brave and ambitious and smart, but she’s also naive and has to learn to take stock of herself and admit when she’s wrong.
What are some of your current and future projects that you can share with us?
I’m currently working on a romance series with five other authors that I’m really excited about. I’m also working on a fictional memoir that tells a lot of the stories of my giant family (I’m the oldest of eleven children) and the schoolhouse we bought and renovated.
If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
I’d have to introduce Lizzie to Mr. Darcy. I’d be selfish not to.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating Matt?
I’m sure I already knew this, but I was reminded that there are different motivations for quiet, reserved and brooding people and that although some of the mannerisms seemed the same for Matt and Mr. Darcy, the motivations made them very different.
When asked, what’s the one question you always answer with a lie?
Wow, I really try not to lie. But if I have to put my weight on any forms, I usually fudge a few pounds. Does that count?
What's the most memorable summer job you've ever had?
I worked at a really nice restaurant at a lodge in Park City, although I’m not sure if it was summer or not. I loved that job because I got to eat a meal there every evening. That’s where I first tasted duck and lamb. Delicious food.
Who was your first boyfriend?
His name was Richard and he was my best friend’s brother. She’s still my friend although I haven’t seen him for twenty-five years.
Tell me about your first kiss
Yikes! You’re pretty nosy. My first kiss was a bit of a letdown. I think I was so nervous I didn’t really enjoy it.
What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
That I don’t love them back, for sure.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry a lot, so it wasn’t very long ago. I cry at youtube videos, I cry during movies and books. I cry when I’m dealing with a kidney stone. And I cry when my kids play guitar and sing songs they’ve written.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
The 1950s.
What is your greatest adventure?
I love to travel with my family. Two years ago, we climbed the ruins in Belize.
Where can readers stalk you?
After being dragged to the 2005 movie Pride and Prejudice by her mother, sixteen-year-old Elizabeth’s life changes when Matthew Macfadyen’s Mr. Darcy appears on the screen. Lizzie falls hard and makes a promise to herself that she will settle for nothing less than her own Mr. Darcy. This ill-advised pledge threatens to ruin any chance of finding true love. During the six intervening years, she has refused to give any interested suitors a chance. They weren’t Mr. Darcy enough.
Coerced by her roommate, Elizabeth agrees to give the next interested guy ten dates before she dumps him. That guy is Chad, a kind and thoughtful science teacher and swim coach. While she’s dating Chad, her dream comes true in the form of a wealthy bookstore owner named Matt Dawson, who looks and acts like her Mr. Darcy. Of course she has to follow her dream. But as Elizabeth simultaneously dates a regular guy and the dazzling Mr. Dawson, she’s forced to re-evaluate what it was she loved about Mr. Darcy in the first place.
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