Photo Content from T.M. Goeglein
T.M. Goeglein began his career as a writer of print and television ads for a host of advertising and media companies. As a screenwriter, he created both original scripts and worked as a script doctor for several production companies in Los Angeles. He was an original contributor to the Huffington Post 'Living' section, and continues to write for both the national edition and Huffington Post Chicago. Read T.M. Goeglein's stories on the Huffington Post.
His debut young adult novel, COLD FURY, will be published by Penguin/Putnam in 2012 and is the first in a trilogy; he’s currently working on the second book. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Laura, and two young children.

Series: A Cold Fury Novel (Book 3)
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Speak; Reprint edition (July 7, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 014751553X
ISBN-13: 978-0147515537
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Speak; Reprint edition (July 7, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 014751553X
ISBN-13: 978-0147515537
Praise for COLD FURY Trilogy
"Readers will no doubt enjoy the action-packed scenes and quick getaways . . . an engaging thriller." ―VOYA
"Engaging, including action sequences that are forthright and expeditious." ―SLJ
"For readers who have had to look to adult suspense like James Bond for a rush, this one has a heroine worth cheering." ―Booklist
“...several fun hooks...” ―Publishers Weekly
"Goeglein’s book has a lot going for it—Sara Jane's school friendships, her warm relationship with her family, cool Mob stuff, boxing action, some humor . . . " ―Kirkus Reviews

First, I hate talking about myself.
I hate it so much that I actually hate writing the words ‘I hate talking about myself.’
That’s partly why I write fiction.
I’m in the things I write, in some form, but mostly I’m not. What I write is based on real life, events, and other people—their crimes, lies, tragedies, heroics—which I then contort, twist, add to, subtract from, often multiply, shake, stir, and serve. It’s impossible not to add myself to that mix but only the ticks and feelings that serve a story. Make no mistake. In the end, everything I write is completely made up.
Second, the truth is usually as boring as hell.
I made the mistake of attending a well-regarded journalism school. It took half a semester to realize that, not only was I naturally awful at the craft, but to put it mildly, didn’t give a rat’s ass about what everyone else held in such high regard: facts. To me, they were cumbersome to work with, always having to check, recheck, and verify once more, and then and only then could a person begin writing. It was a total buzz kill. Who really cared if the international bank robbers used ten AK-47’s or eleven? They’re robbing international-freaking-banks, for ef’s sake!
But people did care. They still do. And I do too, as a citizen of the world.
I just couldn’t give a crap less as a writer of fiction.
From my standpoint, why triple-check the population of the fourth largest city in Latvia when you can just make it up to fit the story?
Third, because it’s all about me, and that’s a fact.
Recently, a writer I admire, John McPhee, wrote a piece in the The New Yorker about the editing habits of some of that magazines’ editors-in-chief, and about his relationship with his literary agent. Toward the end of the article, he discussed how he’d landed on his genre of writing, long form nonfiction. Speaking of his own career, he noted that the desire to be a writer was always alive within him, but that becoming the type he is today required attempts at other forms.
His point, I think, was that a writer’s journey is as much about the work he or she produces as figuring what type of writer a person is.
For me, the trail led to fiction.
It fits.
"Readers will no doubt enjoy the action-packed scenes and quick getaways . . . an engaging thriller." ―VOYA
"Engaging, including action sequences that are forthright and expeditious." ―SLJ
"For readers who have had to look to adult suspense like James Bond for a rush, this one has a heroine worth cheering." ―Booklist
“...several fun hooks...” ―Publishers Weekly
"Goeglein’s book has a lot going for it—Sara Jane's school friendships, her warm relationship with her family, cool Mob stuff, boxing action, some humor . . . " ―Kirkus Reviews
I hate it so much that I actually hate writing the words ‘I hate talking about myself.’
That’s partly why I write fiction.
I’m in the things I write, in some form, but mostly I’m not. What I write is based on real life, events, and other people—their crimes, lies, tragedies, heroics—which I then contort, twist, add to, subtract from, often multiply, shake, stir, and serve. It’s impossible not to add myself to that mix but only the ticks and feelings that serve a story. Make no mistake. In the end, everything I write is completely made up.
Second, the truth is usually as boring as hell.
I made the mistake of attending a well-regarded journalism school. It took half a semester to realize that, not only was I naturally awful at the craft, but to put it mildly, didn’t give a rat’s ass about what everyone else held in such high regard: facts. To me, they were cumbersome to work with, always having to check, recheck, and verify once more, and then and only then could a person begin writing. It was a total buzz kill. Who really cared if the international bank robbers used ten AK-47’s or eleven? They’re robbing international-freaking-banks, for ef’s sake!
But people did care. They still do. And I do too, as a citizen of the world.
I just couldn’t give a crap less as a writer of fiction.
From my standpoint, why triple-check the population of the fourth largest city in Latvia when you can just make it up to fit the story?
Third, because it’s all about me, and that’s a fact.
Recently, a writer I admire, John McPhee, wrote a piece in the The New Yorker about the editing habits of some of that magazines’ editors-in-chief, and about his relationship with his literary agent. Toward the end of the article, he discussed how he’d landed on his genre of writing, long form nonfiction. Speaking of his own career, he noted that the desire to be a writer was always alive within him, but that becoming the type he is today required attempts at other forms.
His point, I think, was that a writer’s journey is as much about the work he or she produces as figuring what type of writer a person is.
For me, the trail led to fiction.
It fits.
The very cold fury that has seen her through the worst of her troubles is now killing her; she knows the cure, but she can't sacrifice the deadly electricity until she's rescued her family. But when she finally does rescue them, it's not the happy reunion she pictured. And the torment doesn't stop there, not even when she finally discovers Ultimate Power. Only destroying the Outfit completely can end this terrible nightmare.
Old enemies return to seek vengeance, double-crosses abound, and even more mysteries are uncovered as we rocket toward an end no one saw coming
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