Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Royal Artist Interview

Photo Content from The Royal Artist

My name is The Royal Artist and I am currently still in high school (a senior) and I am balancing school work and my comic series “Gender Roles” on Tapas.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. 
Being able to connect and entertain my readers. I have such amazing readers I love them so much and being able to interact and make something that makes them happy is so rewarding. 

What are some of your current and future projects that you can share with us? 
I have been working on a few things for example The Clock Man which I love so so much because of how weird it is. In my opinion I think it is the most interesting or weird story I have ever written. I am also working on some other stuff that I’ve written way before Gender Roles. A thriller and a superhero story are some other ones. Just a lot of fun stuff that I hope to make in the future.

  • Royal is missing two toes lol
  • Alexa Lebeau (Anthony’s sister) is based off of Royal’s ex-girlfriend (yikes! But we are still friends so it’s all good)
  • Pepperhead is also a good friend of Royal who personally asked if she can be the character that was supposed to harass Anthony in the beginning. Now Pepperhead is a running joke between us
  • Fionna is based off of Royal’s irl best friend.
  • Anthony’s original design was supposed to be more gender neutral and cute but I thought it wasn’t interesting enough so I changed it to glamorous
  • Tom was originally gonna just be a nice guy who Marie would just end up falling out of love with
  • I was originally gonna make Gender Roles on Webtoon but Tapas was easier to use
  • I plan to make Gender Roles into a book version but I’m unsure if I wanna distribute it to the public
  • My mom’s favorite character is Anthony
  • My favorite character is Anthony (and maybe Pepperhead lol)
Anthony Lebeau: 24 years old, blonde hair with light brown eyes, 5’11, pretty wealthy, fashion designer, loves Marie since college, divorced parents, older sister is a model names Alexa Lebeau

Marie Lee: 23 years old, black hair with dark brown eyes, 5’5, dropped out of college, abusive ex, doesn’t remember Anthony from college, always struggled with sexuality but is slowly getting comfortable with it, only child, religious background

Whoops! Sneak peak in chapter 12! I love drawing new characters so my favorite thing is when i get to draw new people or characters i barely get to draw


When it comes to anything including Gender Roles I like to choose a typical palette and song that goes well with the series (it’s hard to explain). For example with Gender Roles the bright and playful colors goes well with the feeling of the series like the yellows, blues and the pinks. I also have a playlist of songs I listen to that inspire me to work on Gender Roles. I typically research things before going into some series but for Gender Roles I just started and hoped for the best lol. As for names, Marie Lee was picked because Marie is Korean American and I know that there is this one korean name Ma Ri that sounds just like the English name Marie so I picked it. I picked her name before I picked her nationality (all I knew is that I wanted the main character to be asian because there is a lack of asian representation in american media) Anthony’s name was Anthony just because I like the name lol but I chose the surname Lebeau (french), meaning “the handsome” because french is beautiful language that goes very well with Anthony’s vibe.

What is the first job you have had? 
I’ve done pet sitting for my mom because she has a pet sitting business but I only take the cat jobs because I don’t know how to handle dogs. Cats are just easier for me and I prefer them.

What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
I’m assuming this means like whatever year in the 1900s or something. I would have to pick the 60s or 90s cause those times had some cool fashion and aesthetics. Not exactly up to par with political issues like racism and homophobia though.

What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?
One thing I know I always think of whenever I have fun plans the next day is “Watch me just die in my sleep”

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before? 
Probably true love with a guarantee of heartbreak because I will have many other chances to fall in love. I’m still young so i’ve never experienced love (romantically lol, miss me with that emo shit). Even if it’s hard i want to experience that. jbnfilms, jbnmediainterviews, jbnpastinterviews


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